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House of the Evil Eye
Antioch on the Orontes, Antakya
Mosaic panel showing the Lucky Hunchback; Room 2, Panel A
2nd century
Antakya Archaeology Museum, Turkey
Antioch on the Orontes, Antakya
86 cm x 77.5 cm
Mosaic panel showing infant Herakles strangling the snakes; Room 2, Panel B
2nd century
Antakya Archaeology Museum, Turkey
Antioch on the Orontes, Antakya
87.5 x 87.5 cm
Provenance: Antakya Archaeology Museum, Turkey
Mosaic panel of the entrance vestibule (Room 2) showing the Evil Eye
2nd century
Antakya Archaeology Museum, Turkey
Antioch on the Orontes, Antakya
148 cm x 172.5 cm
Overlapping Circles, Mosaic panel from the North Portico (courtyard) geometric; Panel A
2nd century
Antakya Archaeology Museum, Turkey
Antioch on the Orontes, Antakya
Overlapping Circles, Mosaic panel from the West Portico (courtyard) geometric; Panel K
2nd century
Sam Noble Oklahoma Museum
Interlacing Circles, Mosaic panel from the West Portico (courtyard), geometric; Panel L
2nd century
Antakya Archaeology Museum, Turkey
Lozenges, Mosaic panel from the West Portico (courtyard), geometric; Panel M
2nd century
Antakya Archaeology Museum, Turkey
Antioch on the Orontes, Antakya
94 cm x 95 cm