Entire mosaic panel showing a Maenad, Dionysus & Ariadne and Silenus; Room 1
early 3rd century
Antakya Archaeology Museum
Seleucia Pieria, near Antakya
Detail of Mosaic panel C showing Dionysus & Ariadne
Entire Mosaic panel; Room 1
Detail of Mosaic panel C showing the Maenad
Mosaic panel with 8-pointed stars, Room 1, Panel E, below Panel C
Fragment of mosaic showing the frieze above the figures; Room 1, Panel C
Mosaic panel showing a Maenad, Dionysus & Ariadne and Silenus; Room 1, Panel C
Detail of Mosaic panel C showing Silenus
Border panel; Room 1, Panel F
Mosaic floor with the left panel depicting Perseus saving Andromeda, central and right panels depicting Maenads dancing with a young and old Satyr; Room 2, Panel A
early 3rd century
Antakya Archaeology Museum
Seleucia Pieria, near Antakya
Detail of mosaic panel A from Room 2 (portico) 4th emblema from left Maenad & Silenus
Maenads dancing with a young and old Satyr (Silenus); Room 2, Panel A
Detail of mosaic panel A from Room 2 (portico) 2nd emblema from left Perseus & Andromeda
Mosaic panel with four emblema; Room 2 (portico), Panel A
Detail of mosaic panel A from Room 2 (portico) 3rd emblema from left Maenad & Silenus