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Villa at Yakto
Daphne, suburb of Antioch, Antakya
The Yakto Mosaic
5th century
Antakya Archaeology Museum, Turkey
Daphne, suburb of Antioch, Antakya
Mosaic Panel showing Thetis with the crab-claw rising from the Sea; Room B, Panel 2
5th century
Antakya Archaeology Museum, Turkey
Daphne, suburb of Antioch, Antakya
Mosaic panel showing Amazon hunting scene; Room 2
5th century
Antakya Archaeology Museum, Turkey
Daphne, suburb of Antioch, Antakya
Grand corridor mosaic floor; Room 5
General view of excavation of Villa at Yakto; Room 10
Reconstruction plan of Room 10 showing mosaic and opus sectile floors
Mosaic panel showing a head in octagon; Room 11
5th century
Antakya Archaeology Museum, Turkey
Daphne, suburb of Antioch, Antakya
Mosaic pavement depicting a male figure in octagon, Room 18
5th century
Baltimore Museum of Art
Daphne, suburb of Antioch, Antakya
296 cm x 250.2 cm
Geometric mosaic; Room 21
5th century
Davis Museum at Wellesley College
Daphne, suburb of Antioch, Antakya
400.1 cm x 396.2 cm
Triclinium mosaic floor with birds and kantharos and perspective solids; Room 53
5th century
Paris Musée du Louvre
Daphne, suburb of Antioch, Antakya
46 cm x 37.4 cm